Bookends by Clara Mitchell
Bookends by Clara Mitchell
On one end of my life,
I have found a deeper place
with God.
The deeper place
Anchors my devotions.
On the other end of my life,
It is like a dead end.
Two bookends to my life.
My life evolves into chapters.
The in between times of my life
Are found in these bookends.
The warfare is evident.
As long as I push against the dead end--
I will have the right outcome.
Turning the pages of the chapters of my life,
Is turning away from the old life. (II Cor 5:17)
The anchor goes deep so not to drift.
The changes will help me finish my life.
The new creation finds its place and prevents dead ends.
Simple child like faith in God's son-
Jesus will wash our sins away.
Repent and be made whole while there is time-
Step out of the in between life
And enter into eternal life.
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