
Showing posts with the label ideas

Boxes by Clara Mitchell 12/6/2023

  Boxes          by Clara Mitchell 12-26-2023 I bought a mattress in a box. I am traveling again. The mattress purchase reminds me Of when we put God in a box. When we open the box for the mattress It unfolds to a much more alarming size! I think God wants us to think of Him Outside of the box. I know that I have stuffed gifts and talents Inside of me, I am the container, a box if you will. I tried to open the goods But needed help to do so. The helpers were busy-- I soon discover many We are living their dreams in a box. How do we open up After being contained so long? What treasures are stuffed? Now at a later stage in life, I am unpacking some boxes That I have carried for some time. God was helping me to open up. My talents began to expand like this Serta mattress. The size and fit gave me pleasant dreams. God gave me a talent to write. It has been a long time in the making. My boxes did not truly unfold until lat...

Content Creators and More

  Content Creators The writers and poets, Creators of content and more, Face every morning as if A new idea will appear out of nowhere. Wishful thinking my friend. Ideas are content makers. My content calendar is spotty. I have a morning routine. After my routine, I am fast at work creating A new poem for my calendar. The creation process is in stages An inkwell hides from the pen. The writer or poet mistakes the spotty calendars as empty days. What often appears blank or invisible Is necessary to complete the thought process. The ideas all come together. Each idea embeds like a player Inside my mind until all the ideas orchestrate a symphony of sounds. The sounds of each creation Plays out until the time Comes for more calendar content. My calendar is like a talent scout. Needs summon talent. Who needs my talent? What ideas and inkwells are still hiding? The writers are content creators. I see my poetic pen move by God's Spirit. ...