
Showing posts with the label righteousness

Thirst for Righteousness (Matthew 5:6) by Clara Mitchell 11/15/2024

 Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. KJV Thirst for Righteousness           by Clara Mitchell 11/15/2024 Going through a drought? (dry and thirsty land Psalm 63:1) Dry springs cannot quench my thirst for righteousness. Sipping here and there is too small a portion. Righteousness is scarce. I need to drink from a well of salvation. A well of living water. When I find this water, I will drink until I am full. I am like the wildlife in the forest-- seeking the scent of water. I remember Psalm 42:1 As the deer panteth for the water, So my heart pants after thee. The scripture is more clear When I stand in a dry and thirsty land. (Psalm 63:1) The silence while I seek for water opens my senses in a new way. The moist air grows more dense. I see the water, Closing in now, I extend my hands as a cup, I drink and drink and drink. Righteousness fills me up. ...

Closure with the Rapture Watch for 2024 by Clara Mitchell 11-10-24

 Closure with the Rapture                 by Clara Mitchell 11-10-24 I am having closure with the Rapture hope.  The Rapture delay is again in God's will. The waiting and excitement --only to be stood up:) We all know what that feels like! Disappointment with a capital D! The fire is losing intensity. Even though the Rapture window is still open-- I see the answer already. Prepare and be ready next year. Occupy till He comes for us. I am glad I have more time to prepare. Grace with a capital G. Humor helps us with changes. God is full of changes. The wind is a good metaphor For the swift moves of God! I now wait on Him to lead me. I seek holiness and deeper times. Deep calls to Deep. I have a cup to fill. I also have inkwells to fill. A new pen is on order for me. A pen of righteousness is coming. It will rule and reign to honor God. I will seek God's will. His truth will confirm my steps. His truth...