
Showing posts with the label blessings

My Blog Update

 Hello everyone! I have recently built this blog with and as of today I have 24 new posts to share. It is brand new, so I am working on adding an SEO campaign soon to help introduce the new site and build traffic. All the content is free to use with my by line. I do not take donations. My desire is to share uplifting content during these chaotic times.  I have some unexpected medical matters that I will need to take care of during June and July and may not add any new posts until August. I will post another update end of July. If you wish to email me or make comments on any of the pages that is fine. My email is (current pic 5/2024) Sending love and prayers to all who visit, Clara Mitchell

Empty Words by Clara Mitchell

Would my words suit you If I added music? Words alone are like a mute button-- Unless they speak to you. Empty means there is no more. Empty words, they have no core. Neither can they heal the sore. Words that speak to me are wrapped in wisdom. Wisdom like the anointing, Destroys empty words. Today, I pray for words that hit the spot. Not Words that bring me to naught.