
Showing posts with the label truth

Leaving the Matrix Behind by Clara Mitchell

 Leaving the Matrix Behind                                      by Clara Mitchell 1-5-2025 When leaving the Matrix, No matter what kind it may be. There is a process of events That lead to its end. The process is a mixture Of false starts and setbacks-- The strong grow weary. "Faith deferred leaves the heart sick: But when the desire cometh, It is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12 KJV) Freedom begins and the lies die-- When our steps reach beyond the Matrix. Things are a blurry journey in the Matrix. One thing after another clouds my vision. I finally found fog lights from above To steer myself away from false lighthouses. The lighthouses are people who role play Within the confines of their own visions. They only appear to be rescue landmarks. God's vision expands outwardly. The object of lighthouse missions, Is a type of grooming to gain favor. Grooming i...

Winds of Change Continue

Winds of Change Continue         by Clara Mitchell 4/21/2024 Am I losing my touch? I mean, am I out of touch? My mood moves like a child's swing, What is pushing me to go higher? Is it God or is it me, Or is it both? My life is going in many new directions. It is because of the winds of change set over me. The winds will die down soon- As soon as the changes take hold of me. Until that time, I am looking down from a whirlwind. What changes will God arrange That cause such mighty winds to blow? Is there a way to know my next? I am held in suspense by a spiritual whirlwind. The Holy Spirit calls me to deeper faith. I am no longer looking down from this whirlwind. When I grow in faith, I cannot remain the same. Over time, other winds of change Will remove more doubt and unbelief. Faith lifts me higher. Now I can move mountains. The Holy Spirit is my guide into all truth. (John 16:13) He sends the winds of change at the...