
Showing posts with the label rewards

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek        by Clara Mitchell 3/22/2024 I must put away childish things. God is right. There are exceptions. Our inner child at times makes an appearance. Depending on our stage in life, It opens the stage for an unexpected scene. A scene where the actor changes the script. This type of behavior is not well received by directors. God often plays hide and seek when He tests us. We seek Him early, We seek to find Him-- Usually hidden in a new revelation. It is both playful and mysterious. The seeking is hard work. The hiding places of God Are sometimes a mystery to find. I know I am hidden in Christ. God seeks after me. He calls me to follow Him. He knows my whereabouts Even in the night seasons. I cannot avoid His searchlight. He shines the light on me. I cannot escape His commands. He knows all my hiding places. I hide in modern day caves. I surrender to His arrest. God is looking for me. The great Shepherd is seeking me.

To Blog or Not to Blog

  by Clara Mitchell   To be or not to be? Hamlet's question is still and remains very interesting. What if God had asked the same question at the start of creation? Instead of Light be, what if He had asked Light be or not to be? God was teaching us as our creator from the get go. Words can create what we cannot see. Words when spoken create an energy around us. The energy takes shape to form our world. Our faith in God's Word is activated as we decree it. Faith builds on scriptures and it is a substance. In today's language it is a controlled substance. Faith is in God's control and we wait for His Word to activate. God aligns us to His will for His glory. His plan is always higher than our own. Seeking God requires anyone one of us to believe. Without faith, we cannot please God. But with faith many rewards are given by God To those who diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)