Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek        by Clara Mitchell 3/22/2024

I must put away childish things.

God is right.

There are exceptions.

Our inner child at times makes an appearance.

Depending on our stage in life,

It opens the stage for an unexpected scene.

A scene where the actor changes the script.

This type of behavior is not well received by directors.

God often plays hide and seek when He tests us.

We seek Him early,

We seek to find Him--

Usually hidden in a new revelation.

It is both playful and mysterious.

The seeking is hard work.

The hiding places of God

Are sometimes a mystery to find.

I know I am hidden in Christ.

God seeks after me.

He calls me to follow Him.

He knows my whereabouts

Even in the night seasons.

I cannot avoid His searchlight.

He shines the light on me.

I cannot escape His commands.

He knows all my hiding places.

I hide in modern day caves.

I surrender to His arrest.

God is looking for me.

The great Shepherd is seeking me.

He finds me far from the fold of sheep.

I wander like the song lyrics tell.

I am found by His love.

In life stages

Our hiding places change.

No matter where we hide,

God knows where to find us.

It may not seem fair

when it is our turn to find God.

He shows up in obscure places.

Seeking God leads us into

The unfamiliar for many days,

Months and even years.

Finally, when we find Him.

We rejoice that the search is done.

Now it is my turn to hide.

God gives me time to refresh.

I rest.

But it is not long before He

Calls me to come find Him.

Another session with God

Seeking to find Him and open

Up the scriptures.

The silence is broken

God pours out His spirit

Revelation is my reward.

God reveals more of His divine deity.

Now I go back to my desk

And lay my head down and count to 20.

God removes His presence

But leads me on into my next steps.

Hide and Seek goes on and on

No matter what age we are going through.

The learning curve is held by God.

The rewards await us in Heaven.

In Heaven we will have no need

For Hide and Seek.


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