Leaving the Matrix Behind by Clara Mitchell
Leaving the Matrix Behind by Clara Mitchell 1-5-2025
When leaving the Matrix,
No matter what kind it may be.
There is a process of events
That lead to its end.
The process is a mixture
Of false starts and setbacks--
The strong grow weary.
"Faith deferred leaves the heart sick:
But when the desire cometh,
It is a tree of life." (Proverbs 13:12 KJV)
Freedom begins and the lies die--
When our steps reach beyond the Matrix.
Things are a blurry journey in the Matrix.
One thing after another clouds my vision.
I finally found fog lights from above
To steer myself away from false lighthouses.
The lighthouses are people who role play
Within the confines of their own visions.
They only appear to be rescue landmarks.
God's vision expands outwardly.
The object of lighthouse missions,
Is a type of grooming to gain favor.
Grooming is not uncommon in the Matrix.
People will ride another's coattails
In hopes to benefit from their toil.
God will avert such plans.
Revelation is sent to uncover
The intentions of another's heart.
God identifies counterfeits,
Schemes, delusions and more.
While retracing prior steps in my mind;
I see how my former reality of life
Distorts the truth when inside the Matrix.
The truth sets us free. John 8:32 KJV
The Matrix entangles its plot
To places open to indwell it.
The Matrix twists and reshapes
Reality to fit its deceptions.
Truth replaces every trace of deceit.
This is how the Matrix fell--
God's reality offers wisdom and safe places to dwell.
The safe places will end all the former things.
God speaks, "Behold, I will do a new thing;
Now it shall spring forth." Isaiah 43:19 KJV
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