Redeeming the Time/Devotional by Clara Mitchell 1/2022
Because the Days are Evil (Eph 5:16-18) God asks us to redeem the time…
Things have been ending for a long time.
Many now believe that we are in the end times.
A window of time remains open.
I want to share about a time concept called Kairos.
In Greek the word Kairos means time.
In Greek, it translates: a pregnant moment, a time for Opportunity and favor, or a point in time. Kairos is unlike the watch that tells time (chronos) in minutes, Seconds and hours—a measurement of time.
Kairos is a moment in time that is right to Bring opportunity into our life.
God is the God of many chances.
Moments of Kairos can buy us back lost time.
A point in time is our Kairos time.
Opportunity knocks when God is at the door.
Each life looks at opportunity from their vantage point.
God knows the seasons and times for everything.
What time have we lost?
God gives us windows of Kairos time.
Forget the reasons for losing opportunities and time.
Now is the time to redeem those years. God can make a way where there is no way. The Bible often refers to appointed times and Times of favor, a set time. The Kairos window of time can be short or long. Time has different meanings in the Bible. In the Bible verses using Kairos, it calls for conversion, A time to get moving. The moment will close but while it lasts, Make good use of the opportunities at hand. God is making sure that we make good Use of our time while on Earth. There are many pregnant moments now and ahead that will give birth to many blessings.
I cannot help but remember the words of Jeremiah in 8:7 “Yea, the stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed times; and the turtledove and the swallow and the Crane observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the law of Yahweh.” When children ask-- where do babies come from? To this day, we laugh and pass on the old tale, The stork is coming with the baby. This has been an image passed on for ages.
I see a parallel here of the appointed times, The pregnant moments that a stork symbolizes. The moments ahead will be full and filled with opportunities. In short, God asks us to redeem time while we still can. Regular time of hours, minutes and seconds goes on. But Kairos is working in another instance Where things like inventions, acting, writing, positions, and much more Can be propelled with overnight discoveries— from unknown to known. Pregnant moments are birthing at an exponential speed in Kairos time.
God has ways to lift our heads. No matter what has stood against us, God is still for us. Get moving is the word. When we revisit a familiar event, God rearranges times and places to give us another opportunity to serve Him.
We serve Him with the three Ts: Time, talent, and treasure.
All three come together like A launching pad into the redemption of time. God sets off different alarms inside us to finish strong. Awake, get going, redeeming the time that is left. What have we left unfinished? Go back -Time is our friend. As we proceed to get on board, God is already ahead of us for take-off or a landing. He is like the one that guides the pilots when they land. God holds well-lit batons and directs traffic from His vantage point.
When we drive or travel by air in pursuit of God’s leading, we will let the world know that we are living on Kairos time. The switch to Kairos time is like what we call a paradigm shift. Paradigm by dictionary definition is “a fundamental change in approach.”
I think this concept is worth posting and can be great for deeper reflection, encouragement and personal/group devotions.
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