On Break
by Clara Mitchell
I am so happy to be on break that I did some break dancing.
There is a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:4 KJV)
My Sudden outbursts of dancing lift my days.
Break time is almost over. I begin to gather my notes.
Carefully I arrange each page, side by side for further review.
I reach for my red pen,
Remembering the former days of school
Red ink revisions are ruthless
Words that vie to live are removed.
Replacements await at each sweeping stroke,
I must prune my writing.
God is the vine (John 15:5 KJV)
We are the branches.
It's in the pruning that we bear more fruit.
Pruning my writing affects me too.
It is hard to exchange a part of me.
The poets or any writer face periods of red ink.
The pruning is now over for the first draft.
Our creation is torn apart in a moment--
I rest now as in a score of music.
Silence fills the air.
I rest on each note written
With ease my pen uncovers more.
There is a rest to the people of God. (Hebrews 4:9 KJV
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