No One Can Replace Us

No One Can Replace Us         by Clara Mitchell 3/24/2024

People pick me up as soon as I am published--

Or should I say born.

Poetry is like a baby.

The seed sneaks in unaware for a later time.

Later the narrative opens into a few lines.

The lines begin to make stretch marks.

The realization of a new poem touches

My senses to listen.

The lines speak like an audition--

Pick me, take me into your study.

Sit with me and ponder my words.

What did my poem do to you?

Read it again.

The theme is bursting through.

I care less over a few stretch marks.

The life of this poem must find its new home.

The delivery is now done.

Published and in circulation.

I will leave it with the editors.

Someone will adopt this work of thoughts.

It is like a rush of adrenaline

The contractions are closer now.

Which editor will foster this newborn.

How many times will I submit poems like this?

Sending you off to make room for new pushy poems.

They will get through no matter the wait.

A poet never uses contraceptives

Birth control is a grave sin.

Should I choose to abort a budding poem.

The abortion removes

the timing,

the joy,

the love,

the miracle,

and the life is gone

when breath is gone.

Only the poet knows

how to end the life

Of a poem-- it cannot breathe until it is complete.

As with all creation, the creators

Discover their responsibility to tend

And care for their talent till death do we part.

It is like a marriage,

Like a covenant,

A match from God above.

No one can do what I can do.

This is a true saying --

The endurance is fruitful

In the eyes of God.

No quitting,

No giving up,

There is no one to replace me.

I am of great value to God.

Value is the spur or burr

That awakens my love for words.

This poem is ideal for a devotional. Words and poetry are wonderful and fun to enjoy, it is a gift from God, but whatever our talents and gifts, we give the glory and praise to Jesus, our Lord. He is still saving souls. Be open to His invitation as he stands at the door and knocks on our hearts. It is time to pray for salvation through Christ Jesus...Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth.... two areas in prayer -repent and be baptized in water afterwards. God will confirm true salvation and convert you today!

Write me if you need to share your conversion.


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