
Showing posts from October, 2024

My Blog Update 10/9/2024

 Hello everyone! I have recently built this blog with the blog address is It is brand new, so I am working on adding an SEO campaign soon to help introduce the new site and build traffic. All the content is free to use with my by line. I do not take donations. My desire is to share uplifting content during these chaotic times.  I had some unexpected medical problems over the summer so I will be back later.  If you wish to email me or make comments on any of the pages that is fine. My email is (current pic 5/2024) Medical update: All is well. Normal results. Symptoms gone. Sending love and prayers to all who visit, Clara Mitchell My Blog is here to uplift and inspire! Not all of my poems are overly faith based but the ideas and thoughts are my creative wheels turning and I try to catch all moments of my inspiration. My poems are reflections on life as I journey on and jot down ideas as they come to me. I use differen

Boxes by Clara Mitchell 12/6/2023

  Boxes          by Clara Mitchell 12-26-2023 I bought a mattress in a box. I am traveling again. The mattress purchase reminds me Of when we put God in a box. When we open the box for the mattress It unfolds to a much more alarming size! I think God wants us to think of Him Outside of the box. I know that I have stuffed gifts and talents Inside of me, I am the container, a box if you will. I tried to open the goods But needed help to do so. The helpers were busy-- I soon discover many We are living their dreams in a box. How do we open up After being contained so long? What treasures are stuffed? Now at a later stage in life, I am unpacking some boxes That I have carried for some time. God was helping me to open up. My talents began to expand like this Serta mattress. The size and fit gave me pleasant dreams. God gave me a talent to write. It has been a long time in the making. My boxes did not truly unfold until late in life. My travels have