
Senior Moments by Clara Mitchell 12-14-2024

  I am a senior who toggles and joggles. My income is short The winds of change blow upon my plans. Higher rent usurps my retirement. How is it I could not see? The storm is now upon the seniors. The seniors who now live to find shelter. Higher rent is my challenge As healthcare used to be the challenge. Now both health and wealth For a senior is a wind of change. Pray to stay well. Senior orphans call upon the Lord. How quickly growing old gets old. Now I walk because I can. I am usually feeding the ducks. I have all my marbles as they say. My mind is still with me I possess wisdom The Bible calls it the principle thing. I agree. Wisdom finds the way when there is no way. God allows the trials to go on. Avoid evil know little evil Warnings from God. Wisdom for changing winds. Find God's ways and think like God. I will bear fruit in my old age. My appearance keeps changing Like the cost of living. I pray daily for my bread. God is my phy

Patches by Clara Mitchell

Along the way, I have left a series of patches. Patches much like those done to my PC. The process sometimes takes or fails, And other times the issues are completely resolved. I feel that many times after I pray, I leave a patch at Heaven's PC. I have areas that are affecting My usability and functions. Security issues, potential virus problems. Only God can change our spiritual DNA. We all must be renewed with a process of updates. The new nature, Heaven's Born-Again, version-- Will have conflicts with our original hardware-sin nature. The process is a lifetime of rebuilding. Adding and subtracting Old with new data. Areas of breakdown have patches Instead of new programs. God's handiwork remains unique In that every person needs the right Revelations to make future adjustments. In comparison to a computer, PC-- The tweaking and refinements need a service call. As the process matures, The trials and tests reach new levels for growth.

Words by Clara Mitchell

A poet lives in a world of words, That spills over into many tomorrows.  Each tomorrow becomes a new day  And the beat and meter go on.  The one at the table who spills the beans  Is an expression for sharing something hidden.  Those at the table gasp  And put their hands over their mouth.  Words carry power for good or evil.  I think about my words to God during the day. I think about my prayers to Him.  I never feel ignored.  I look for a dialogue to begin between God and me.  Having dialogue with God is the most pleasant of conversations. God listens as I share my heart.  I listen as God shares His heart-- Giving me a Psalm, a song, or scriptures.  At the end of our conversation,  God is still there if I decide to add more. Whenever I wake up or wherever I travel,  I can start the same conversation or begin a new dialogue. God is always there to listen  And console me with His great wisdom. I still need my earthly chats with others,  But I know that God is there for me when chatte

The Window of My Heart

  The Window of My Heart by Clara Mitchell Look into my heart! What do you see? Why, I see many things: people from many nations, Lands afar, like a globe of continents. What you see is a missionary!

Poetry Seeds

  Poetry Seeds              by Clara Mitchell Another poem has found its way out. I put it off for several weeks, but I could not deter. Such spunk and fight from such small seeds. The thoughts took time to germinate. The suspense of seeing a first-born word Is creativity at its best. It is a bit alarming-- In that it brings insight where there wasn't any.

A Time to Pray Devotional Post

  A Time to Pray      by Clara Mitchell 4/13/2024 A missionary once said at a church service-- A church that isn't praying is playing. The end times are now evident. Launching prayer nets across the globe. The time is now to fervently pray. Fervent prayers "avail much". (James 5:16) King James Bible --Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Souls, repentance, and restoration. Fruit will fill the face of the earth. Prayer seeds Love seeds and more providence will restore. From a poetic prophecy in Isaiah 27:6 Jacob (representing the people of Israel) will take root, blossom and fill the whole world with fruit. Instead of Jacob, Pray that our Prayers will take root, blossom and fill the whole world with fruit. This is how to pray with scriptures for current times, putting in names like Prayers, or even our own name is p

As The World Turns by Clara Mitchell

  As The World Turns She often mused the thought of death, Whose choice that it should be. Creator, your own, or family? Since her thoughts came to an end, Her baby no longer lives. As the world turns, Notice the traffic. Signs are posted. Lights do flicker. Why then so many illegal turns? I want to add a note here that I composed this poem 40 years ago. At times in life, our choices lack wisdom and guidance. I think pro-adoption is a far better way than abortion. The sanctity of life is not always perceived in the same way and a quick solution can override a better choice or solution. God has given us grace and forgiveness as we all journey through life. Hindsight is always 20/20 vision. Remember to continue in prayer for God to reach out to those needing support during a crisis time.